Time Name Affiliation Topic
10:15 Welcome with coffee and tea    
10:30 Babette de Wolff Free University Berlin Pseudospectral approximation for Hopf bifurcation of delay equations
11:30 Hans-Otto Walther University of Giessen Density of short solution segments by variable delay
12:30     Presentation of poster by Therese Mur on variable delay and stability of periodic orbits
12:35 Lunch${}^{\odot\star}$    
13:45 Thomas Erneux Université Libre de Bruxelles Hopf bifurcation for large delays, isolas of periodic solutions, multi-rhythmicity
14:45 Jan Sieber University of Exeter Spectrum of linear time-periodic delay equations in the limit of large delay
15:45 Coffee and tea break    
16:00 Odo
Utrecht University Twin semigroups and delay equations
17:00 Discussion and conclusion    

${}^{\odot\star}$ The lunch will held at Le Pain Quotidien

${}^\diamond$ In room OG-Aud1